What is eBoostr?
eBoostr accelerates your computer like no other program can! Normally a computer stores data on its hard drive. When it needs to access this data it searches the hard drive in sequence until that data is found. This inefficient process can create unnecessary delays in loading programs.
Even if this data is accessed frequently the computer must still search through unnecessary data until it is found. eBoostr eliminates excessive loading times by avoiding this difficult process altogether. Unlike registry cleaners, eBoostr uses your computer’s hardware to improve performance.
Rather than search through data eBoostr will create an intelligent buffer on solid state memory your computer can access quickly and easily.
This buffer is created utilizing resources from the computer's processor, RAM and USB 2.0 memory in tandem. eBoostr will keep track of what programs are used most frequently and store relevant data on this buffer.
Rather than having to search large sections of your hard drive, your computer will simply access the intelligent buffer created by eBoostr and load the data from there. Unlike the hard drive, all of the information located in eBoostr's memory buffer is readily accessible.
eBoostr even tracks what programs get used most frequently, placing a higher priority on the programs that get used most often. This means eBoostr will adapt to the changing demands you place on your computer.
Regardless of what you use it for, eBoostr will ensure your computer is running better than ever before. Best of all, eBoostr supports up to 4 USB devices! If you demand more from your computer simply add another USB device.
With this kind of adaptability, eBoostr is perfect for everyone. So try the free demo and see for yourself why hundreds of thousands of satisfied consumers have chosen eBoostr to enhance their computers.
eBoostr 4 Features
No Hardware Upgrades Needed
eBoostr is compatible with both USB and Non-USB removable storage devices, as well as all "Enhanced for Readyboost"devices
Supports up to 4* devices simultaneously, ensuring that eBoostr can keep up with increasing demands on systems
Cache file size of up to 4GB on each device (NTFS has no size limit)
- 32 Bit version of Windows 7 cannot use RAM over 3.25 GB
- eBoostr 4 can utilize this RAM in the creation of an intelligent cache, boosting your system's performance
New and Improved Cache Configuration
- Autoconfiguration Wizard - Intelligent caching system detects all compatible hardware and recommends best settings for your PC
- Elimination of UAC notifications for Windows 7 & Vista through smoother cache naming and location handling
- Supports dual-boot and multi-boot configurations
- Capable of pre-caching OS data, reducing time systems need to boot
- Supports Intel TurboMemory (Vista and Windows 7 only)
System requirements
- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/2008 Server
- USB 2.0 port or an external card reader
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