Showing posts with label Top 100 games cheats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top 100 games cheats. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Hercules Cheats

HerculesLevel passwords:----------------Enter one of the following passwords to start at the corresponding level:Beginner level: ---------------Your Basic DID Coin, Helmet, Hydra, Lightning The Hero's Gauntlet Hercules' Head, Medusa, Pegasus, Pegasus Centaur's Forest Lightning, Coin, Lightning, Archer The Big Olive Part 1 Archer, Gladiator, Hydra, Lightning The Big Olive Part 2 Lightning, Minotaur, Medusa, Coin Hydra Canyon Pegasus, Coin, Lightning, Archer Medusa's Lair Nessus, Helmet, Gladiator, Lightning Cyclops Attack Pegasus, Nessus, Nessus,...

Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Cheats

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceCheat Codes:------------Massive Amounts of Mini-Crests:-------------------------------You can get MASSIVE amounts of Mini-Crests, however you can only get it theone time only, and that's only when you have used the Luck Potion and are making your way to Herbology. At this point, every time you use Diffindo toget the Mini-Crests to appear, you'll get the full amount of Minicrests available (due to your luck). You should at this point get as much of it aspossible, to make the 25,000 pieces that you need an easier...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Cheats

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireCheat Codes:------------Collector card bonuses:-----------------------Successfully complete the indicated card set to unlock the bonus:20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Beasts" card set.20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Vampires" card set.20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Giants" card set.20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Goblins" card set.Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Quidittch" card set.Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Wizards"...

Harry Potter Sorcerers Stone Cheats

Harry Potter - Sorcerer's StoneCheat Codes:------------Type these codes under the game. You will need a little practise to get it done properly for the first time. Effect Code ----------------------------Debug mode: press [F7] to disable - harrydebugmodeon Unknown - harrysuperkoresh Restores health - harrygetsfullhealth Super jumps - harrysuperjump Big jumps - harrynormaljump beans - harrytriggercheat Invincibility - harrykoresh Unknown - harrykorwalk...

HalfLife 2 Cheats

Half-Life 2Cheat Codes:------------To enable the console add -console to your launch options in properties in steam playgames TO ADD MORE THAN 1 COMMAND TO LAUNCH OPTIONS CHANGE THE PREFIX - TO + ON THE SECOND/THIRD/FORTH EXT.In gameplay press the ` button (under the esc button) to bring up the consoleTo enable the cheats first you must enter sv_cheats 1 into the consoleEnter these codes into the console in get desired effect:Code Result----------------------------------------god - God mode...

HalfLife Vampire Slayer Cheats

Half-Life - Vampire SlayerCheat Codes:------------Third person view:------------------Type "behindview" at the console window for thrid personview. The game will usually crash after a few minut...

HalfLife Science And Industry Cheats

Half-Life - Science And IndustryCheat Codes:------------Cheat mode:-----------Load game with the command line: hl.exe -dev -console. Then, press ~ if the orange text on the screen does not disappear. During gameplay, press ~ to display the text prompt and type in sv_cheats 1. Press ~ and enter one of the following console commands.  Result Code -------------------------------------Bind indicated weapon to key - bind Weapon names:-------------Use one of the following entries with the bind code. Note: the...

HalfLife Day of Defeat Cheats

Half-Life - Day of DefeatCheat Codes:------------Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then,enter one of the following codes.  Result Code---------------------------------Change brightness - lightgammaChange frame rate - fps_max Disable background sounds - stopsoundMP# player - mp3Disable crosshair change - [Space]cl_dynamic_xhair 0Numerical Ping: ---------------To display numbers along with dots for latency on a server type -numericping in the shortcut's...

HalfLife Existence Cheats

Half-Life - ExistenceGeneral hints:--------------Don't waste bullets on destroying objects. Use your knife. This includes windows, grates, wooden boards, and such. Saves on reload time, ammo, and is generally quicker.Speaking of the knife, it HURTS. If you can get sneak up on someone, knifing them is a quick way tocatch them a dirt nap, ESPECIALLY if they do not have armor of any sort.Be stealthy. It's imperative. Map the "walk" key to a convienent key, and use it often. Good playerswill listen for footsteps, and be ready for your attack....

HalfLife CounterStrike Condition Zero Cheats

Half-Life - Counter-Strike - Condition ZeroCheat Codes:------------During gameplay, press ~ to drop the console menu. Type "sv_cheats 1"and restart. Then enter the following cheats in the console:Result Code--------------------------------------God Mode - godFly Mode - flyNo Clipping - noclipInvisible to Enemies - notargetGet Weapons - impulse 101Spawn Item - giveMap List - maps *Kill Bots - bot_killRestart...

HalfLife Counterstrike Cheats

Half-Life - CounterstrikeCheat Codes:------------Cheat & Hints, Tips:--------------------Enter the console on the server machine and enter "sv_cheats 1". Then,change maps by typing "changelevel dust" (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the cheat function:Result Code----------------------------------------------------------$16,000 - impulse101 Arctic sniper rifle - give spaceweapon_awp Auto-aim with...

Half Life Team Fortress Classic Cheats

Half Life - Team Fortress Classic Weapon select:--------------Note: This must be done on the server machine. Type sv_cheats 1 at the console. Change the map with the changelevel console command. Then, type tf_weapon_ at the console on any machine connected to the server to select that weapon.  Weapon names:-------------Use one of the following entries with the tf_weapon_ code.Object Weapon name -------------------------------Auto cannon - ac Rocket launcher - rpg Medic kit - medikit Knife - knife...

Half Life Redemption Cheats

Half Life - RedemptionCheat Codes:------------Load game with the command line: hl.exe -dev -toconsole. Then, press ~ if the orange text on the screen does not disappear. During gameplay, press ~ to display the text prompt and type in sv_cheats 1. Press ~ and enter one of the following console commands to activate the cheat function.  Result Code --------------------------------God mode - /godNo clipping mode - /noclipOpponents ignore character - /notargetAll weapons and ammo - impulse...

Half Life Poke646 Cheats

Half Life - Poke646Cheat Codes:------------Cheat mode:------------Load game with the command line: hl.exe -dev -toconsole. Then, press ~ if the orange text on the screen does not disappear. During gameplay, press ~ to display the text prompt and type in sv_cheats 1. Press ~ and enter one of the following cheat. Result Code ----------------------------------------------God mode - godAll weapons; press [Up] + [Enter] - impulse 101No clipping mode - noclipSpawn gibs and...

Half Life Opposing Force Cheats

Half Life - Opposing ForceCheat Codes:------------Load game with the hl.exe -dev -console -game gearbox command line. Press ~ during game play and enter one of the following console commands to activate the cheat function. Effect Code -----------------------------------All weapons and ammunition - impulse 101 God mode - /god No clipping and flight modes - /noclip Level select - /map Spawn item - /give Enemies ignore you - /notargetThese codes are to...

Half Life Point of Origin Cheats

Half Life - Point of OriginFor infinite Acid Spit: -----------------------First go to tank containg the Reaper and 3 head crabs and fire at second control panel to left with the 'Shock gauntlets' a scientist with a pink tie will shout "What is that thing doing it might have shorted out the whole system,get that thing back in its cage immeidiatly!" 2 scientist will then drag you back to your cage but you should slash to stop them, now follow the signs to the morgue, you are there you will see a scientist being attacked by a reaper and a security...

Half Life Natural Selection Cheats

Half Life - Natural SelectionCheat Codes:------------NOTE: sv_cheats must be set to 1 in order for these cheats to work. Code Effect------------------------------------------spawnhive - As an alien, creates a random new hive for your team.killhive - As an alien, destroys a random hive.addcat x - X where is 1-4. Adds a random upgrade category, just like you had built an upgrade chamber (1 is defense, 2 used to be offense, 3 is movement, 4 is sensory).removecat x...

Half Life Game of the Year Edition Cheats

Half Life - Game of the Year EditionCheatmode:----------Right click on the icon of the game from ur desktop or programs(Start Menu).Go to its properties and type in the Target " -console".So it should look like this: "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -console"Now,start the game and u will see an option "Console" in the Main Menu.This means that cheats can now be enabled.To enter the cheats, start the game and press "~" key.A big box appears,now,type "sv_cheats 1".Cheats will now be enabled,here is a partial list of cheats:Result ...

Half Life Blue Shift Cheats

Half Life - Blue ShiftCheat Codes:------------Cheat mode:-----------Start the game by running the game from your RUN menu with:"C:\GameFolder\bshift.exe" -console Now you can bring down the console command box at any time duringthe game with the ~ key (tilde). Now before loading a map or game, you must open your console andtype "sv_cheats 1" (excluding ""). Alternatively you may place thecommand in your "C:\GameFolder\config.cfg" file with notepad, so it will be automatically set next time you open the game. You may now use the following commands...

Half Life Firearms Cheats

Half Life - FirearmsCheat Codes:------------Go to RUN on your start menu. Type in - HL.EXE-CONSOLE hit enter.You will have to start the game like this everytime you want to cheat. The only thing different will be a console button in the menu screen. Click on it then type in - SV_CHEATS 1 - this willenable cheating. hit ESC to go back to the menu screen. Load your game now. When your game is started stop in a safe place and hit the Tindle key ~ on your keyboard. (top left underEsc button) When the screen pops down keyin - SV_CHEATS 1 - enter. Then...