Sunday 13 May 2012

Hitman Codename 47 Cheats

Hitman - Codename 47

Cheat Codes:

Open up your "Hitman.ini" file located in your hitman directory.
Add the line "enableconsole 1" to the file. When playing a mission
simply hit the '~' key. Types any of these codes for the desired
effect. Note: Press [Tab] to scroll through all available commands.

Code Result
god [1 or 0] - God Mode
giveall - All Weapons with Max Ammo
infammo - Unlimited Ammo
invisible [1 or 0] - Invisibility
invisible off - Close the invisible
ip_timemultiplier [0.01-5.00] - Change speed of time; 1.00 is default
ip_debug [0 or 1] - Toggle debug mode
murderdeathkill - makes u heal up the hill
cmon - now win the game


When using sniper scope may be you feel some difficulty for hunting.
Simply first bring up the scope by clicking once and then press the 5
key for zoom in and again to more zoom and 2 key for zoom out.


If the action menu when right clicked is disabled, then go very near to
the object and press action key on the keyboard. In the first level, if
you have trouble passing through the man having the shock machine,carry
only the mp5 gun. Let him see you. He will come running towards you. Go
back to the elevator and kill him with the gun. Wear his clothes and
drop any weapon you have including guns,piano wires and knives. Go to
the room and the guard will show you to freedom.


In level 4:the lee hong assassination. You dont have to follow the sexy
whore out of the compound. Just shoot her and you will get the safecode.

Debug Mode:

Press ~ Then: IP_DEBUG 1 = turns on debug keys:

Key Effect
j : Jump.
t : wireframe mode.
o : overhead view.
k : move camera with cursor keys.
Shift+F12 : Throw anyone near you around the room.
Shift+F11 : Instand kill.
f,g, or h : teleport to various locations.

Access All Missions:
Type "Kim Bo Kastekniv" as your profile name, you'll get instant access to
all missions.

Multiple Gun Combo Trick:
This trick will let you have up to 15 rounds in any gun.

1. Make sure that you have a Beretta 92 in your inventory.
2. Select the gun you want to have 15 rounds in, and make sure that is the
ONLY thing you are holding.
3. Drop the gun on the floor.
4. Take out your Beretta 92 and pick up the gun you just dropped.
5. You will be holding both guns at the same time, and you will
have 15 rounds in both guns since they always shoot together.

Reward Bug Exploitation:
When you have completed all the mission objectives, don't exit yet. Instead,
press F1 for the mission status screen to appear. When the "success" message
appears press ESC to go back to the game. Then repeat the process. Each time
you will be paid the reward for the mission.


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