Sunday 13 May 2012

HalfLife Counterstrike Cheats

Half-Life - Counterstrike

Cheat Codes:

Cheat & Hints, Tips:
Enter the console on the server machine and enter "sv_cheats 1". Then,
change maps by typing "changelevel dust" (or any other map). Finally,
enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the cheat

Result Code
$16,000 - impulse101
Arctic sniper rifle - give spaceweapon_awp
Auto-aim with sniper rifle - sv_aim
Adjust gravity - sv_gravity [-999 - 999999]
See and fire through walls and objects - gl_zmax[0-9999]
See and fire through walls and objects - gl_zmax 0
See things brightly without flashlight - lambert -1.0001
View other players' frags - cl_hidefrags 0
Faster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999
Faster backwards motion - cl_backspeed 999
Faster side motion - cl_sidespeed 999
Auto-reload enabled - +reload
Auto-reload disabled - -reload
SetC4 timer - mp_c4timer [1-100]
Hyper auto-aim enabled - sv_clienttrace 9999
Hyper auto-aim disabled - sv_clienttrace 0000
Change crosshair color - adjust crosshair
Reveal how much time left on the map - timeleft
Disable crosshair to enlarge - crosshair [1-5]
Set freeze period at the start of
rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default
is 6 [Note] - mp_freezetime [seconds]
Set maximum length in minutes a round
can last, default is 5 [Note] - mp_roundtime [3-15]
Set minutes between map rotations,
default is 0 [Note] - mp_timelimit
Toggle friendly fire [Note] - mp_friendlyfire [0 or 1]
Toggle footsteps, default is 1 [Note] - mp_footsteps [0 or 1]
Level select - changelevel [map name]
Weapon select - give [weapon name]
Skin select - skin [skin name]
Level select - changelevel [map name]
Set maximum minutes of buying time - mp_buytime
Toggle map briefings after new levels - dm [0 or 1]
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode - ghosts [0 or 1]
Toggle auto-help hint messages - ah [0 or 1]
Disable waypoint editing (1) - waypoint off clip
Enable waypoint editing - waypoint on clip
All shots will hit, default is 1 - sv_clienttrace 999999999
Show ping as numbers - -numericping
Toggle graph - net_graph [0 or 1]
Unbind key command - unbind [key currently bound to command]
Restart game after one second - sv_restartround 1
Show last four kills of either team - hud_deathnoticetime 9999
Toggle blood thickening - gl_spriteblend [0-1]
Unlimited spraying - decalfrequency 0
Suicide - kill
Automatically buy best gun for team - autobuy
Toggle killing bots or players - mp_tkpunish [0 or 1]
Display commands on left side - +commandmenu
Disable command display on left side - -commandmenu
Erase all whole messages in console - clear
List available servers - list


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